Environmental Impact of Working from Home and Working from the Office on Employee Job Satisfaction

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the working world, introducing the concepts of working from home (WFH) and working from the office (WFO). Both work environments have different impacts on employee job satisfaction.

This article reviews the research findings of Titis Ayu Wardani from Universitas Airlangga, which discusses how WFH and WFO affect employee job satisfaction. The study aims to analyze the influence of WFH and WFO work environments on employee job satisfaction.

It compares job satisfaction between employees working from home and those working in the office. The research employs a quantitative method with a questionnaire as the data collection tool. The quality of the work environment was measured using the OECD survey (2017), and job satisfaction was measured using the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector (1997). Data were analyzed using multiple regression with SPSS 25 software.

The study shows that both WFH and WFO work environments have a significant impact on employee job satisfaction. The WFO work environment has a stronger influence on job satisfaction compared to the WFH environment. Higher job satisfaction in the WFO environment may be due to closer social interactions, more complete office facilities, and a more organized work structure. However, WFH offers time flexibility and cost savings, enhancing job satisfaction, particularly for employees who value flexibility.

This study concludes that both work environments have a positive impact on job satisfaction, with WFO showing a stronger influence. Companies should consider the benefits of both work environments and develop policies that integrate the positive aspects of WFH and WFO to enhance employee job satisfaction.

Link Jurnal : https://repository.unair.ac.id/127899/

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