Global, Regional, and National Burden of Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990-2020

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common musculoskeletal diseases and a leading cause of disability worldwide. With the global population increasing and life expectancy rising, the prevalence of osteoarthritis is expected to continue to grow, making the burden of this disease a significant public health issue. This article provides a detailed analysis based on the journal “Global, Regional, and National Burden of Osteoarthritis 1990-2020: A Systematic Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study,” which evaluates the impact of osteoarthritis globally, regionally, and nationally over the past three decades.

Methods and Approach

Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study

The Global Burden of Disease study is a systematic and comprehensive research initiative aimed at assessing the impact of various diseases and risk factors on public health worldwide. This study collects data including Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), which combine information on mortality and morbidity to provide an overall picture of the disease burden.

For this analysis, osteoarthritis data was sourced from the GBD Study between 1990 and 2020, covering 204 countries and territories. The methods used included advanced statistical analysis to estimate the prevalence, incidence, and burden of osteoarthritis, as well as comparisons across time and regions.

Results and Key Findings

Increased Prevalence of Osteoarthritis

The findings of this study indicate a significant increase in the global prevalence of osteoarthritis from 1990 to 2020. Key factors contributing to this increase include population aging, rising obesity rates, and lifestyle changes that tend toward sedentary behavior. At the regional level, the burden of osteoarthritis varies, with low- and middle-income countries experiencing a higher increase in disease burden compared to high-income countries.

Health and Social Burden

Osteoarthritis not only causes pain and physical discomfort but also impacts the quality of life of those affected, including limitations in daily activities, loss of work productivity, and increased demand for healthcare. In many countries, the economic burden of osteoarthritis is also significant, given the high costs of long-term care and disease management.

Major Risk Factors

Obesity emerged as one of the main risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis, particularly in the knee joints. The study also highlights the role of previous joint injuries and excessive physical activity as other risk factors. However, age remains the largest contributor, with prevalence increasing sharply in individuals over 60 years old.

Challenges and Policy Implications

Inequality in Access to Care

One of the main challenges identified in this study is the inequality in access to effective osteoarthritis care across different countries. Low-income countries often face barriers in providing adequate healthcare services for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of osteoarthritis. This leads to a disproportionate burden on vulnerable populations.

Public Health Policy

The findings of this study emphasize the need for stronger public health interventions to address the risk factors for osteoarthritis, particularly obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Effective prevention programs, including the promotion of physical activity and healthy weight management, can significantly reduce the burden of osteoarthritis. Moreover, policies that improve access to affordable and high-quality healthcare are also essential to addressing the overall impact of this disease.


Osteoarthritis is a globally increasing disease with a growing burden. Through the analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study, we can understand how this disease affects populations globally and what needs to be done to mitigate its impact. Addressing osteoarthritis requires a comprehensive approach, from prevention to treatment, with a focus on reducing key risk factors such as obesity and inactive lifestyles. Collaborative efforts between governments, health organizations, and communities are essential to addressing the public health challenges posed by osteoarthritis and improving the quality of life for millions of people affected worldwide.

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