Weighing Negative vs Positive Psychology: A Review of Well-Being Science

Psychology, as the study of the human mind and behavior, offers two often contrasting perspectives: negative psychology and positive psychology. The journal titled “Negative vs Positive Psychology: A Review of Science of Well-being” reviews the differences and connections between these two approaches. This article invites you to explore both and how integrating insights from each can benefit our well-being.

Understanding Negative Psychology: Focus on Difficulties

Negative psychology focuses on mental disorders and emotional challenges. This approach is crucial for identifying and treating issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. By understanding the causes and mechanisms of these conditions, professionals can design more effective interventions.

However, an excessive focus on negative aspects can lead individuals to feel trapped in their problems without seeing solutions or potential improvements. The journal highlights that this approach needs to be balanced with other methods to truly achieve well-being.

Positive Psychology: Achieving Happiness and Maximum Potential

On the other hand, positive psychology emphasizes what makes our lives more fulfilling. This approach explores happiness, character strengths, and ways to improve quality of life. Research shows that practices such as gratitude, meditation, and building healthy social relationships can be highly beneficial.

By focusing on elements that enhance happiness and satisfaction, positive psychology helps us see the best potential in ourselves and pursue a more meaningful life.

Integrating Two Approaches: A Path to More Holistic Well-Being

The journal underscores the importance of combining negative and positive psychology to gain a more complete picture of well-being. Using an approach that integrates techniques for addressing psychological disorders with strategies for enhancing happiness can provide more comprehensive results.

For example, combining therapy for mental issues with practices that boost happiness can be highly effective. This not only helps individuals address their problems but also encourages them to achieve higher life goals.


By understanding and integrating these two psychological approaches, we can create a more complete strategy for improving quality of life. Negative psychology provides crucial insights into overcoming difficulties, while positive psychology helps us pursue happiness and satisfaction. Integrating these approaches can bring significant benefits to our overall well-being.

This article aims to motivate readers to consider and apply both psychological approaches in their daily lives to achieve better well-being.

Link Journal : https://scholar.unair.ac.id/en/publications/negative-vs-positive-psychology-a-review-of-science-of-well-being

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