Adaptation and Validation of the Integration Scale for Indonesian University Students

In the journey of higher education, the integration of students into both academic and social systems is crucial for their success. Recognizing this, a study was conducted to adapt and validate the Integration Scale (IS) specifically for Indonesian university students. This scale, initially developed for a different cultural context, needed to be reliable and valid for use in Indonesia.

The Importance of Student Integration

Student integration refers to the ability of students to immerse themselves in the social and academic environments of their university. Successful integration has been shown to significantly influence students’ academic performance and overall university experience, aiding in the completion of their higher education.

Research Methodology

The research adhered to a rigorous six-step process set by the International Test Commission. This process ensured that the adaptation of the IS was culturally appropriate and psychometrically sound. The study involved 309 undergraduate students aged between 17 and 23 years, with a majority of 247 females and 62 males.

Findings and Validation

The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the IS, composed of 16 items across five aspects and two factors, was both valid and reliable for the Indonesian student population. Three models of the IS demonstrated acceptable fits, confirming that the scale could effectively measure student integration in this new context.

The study concluded that the adapted IS could accurately identify students needing support in their academic and social integration. This tool is essential for universities to assess and enhance their role in student development, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to thrive in their educational journey.

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