The Impact of Organizational Culture on Information System Success: A Case Study in an Indonesian IT Company

In the modern era, companies are compelled to use information systems (IS) to support daily business operations and maximize their potential. However, IS failures in various organizations are still common and disrupt their business activities. This study focuses on a key factor influencing IS success: organizational culture, which can shape employee behavior towards the technology implemented within the organization.

This study integrates the DeLone-McLean IS success model, the technology acceptance model (TAM), and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). It also employs the competing values framework (CVF) to assess organizational culture using the organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI).


An empirical study was conducted in an IT-based company in Indonesia using a questionnaire that yielded 319 usable data samples. Data analysis was performed using SmartPLS3 to address non-normal data distribution.

The OCAI analysis revealed that the company exhibited a tendency towards a clan culture, which is somewhat surprising for an IT-based company. Results indicated that clan culture is the dominant organizational culture, followed by market, adhocracy, and hierarchy cultures. Clan culture is characterized by close relationships among organization members and values of teamwork and employee empowerment.

Analysis of Information System Success Data

The PLS-SEM data analysis involved two stages: evaluating the measurement model for reliability and validity, and assessing the structural model. All variables showed adequate reliability and validity with scores above the required thresholds.


The study found that companies with a clan culture can successfully implement IS by integrating less dominant cultural elements. These findings provide valuable insights for business organizations, especially those with a dominant clan culture, in successfully implementing IS.

This research offers empirical evidence on the impact of organizational culture on IS success, which has been limited in previous literature. Integrating the DeLone-McLean model with TAM and UTAUT and using CVF provides a comprehensive approach to assessing IS success in the context of organizational culture.

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